Cup And Ball Lovebug


Kids can make this cup and ball lovebug craft for Valentine's Day or any time they want to make something for someone they love!

Cup and ball lovebug craft

You will need:

Paper cup
Polystyrene ball
Red paint
Black paint
Black craft foam
Red craft foam
Black chenille stem
Wiggle eyes
Heart hole punch


Glue the ball to the bottom of the cup. Paint the cup red and the ball black. Leave to dry.

Use the heart punch to make small black foam hearts. Glue these to the cup.

Use a short length of chenille stem folded in half and then stuck on top of the ball as the antennae. Punch 3 red foam hearts. Stick one red heart to each end of the antennae and one to the centre of the ball as the nose.

Stick on the wiggle eyes to finish.


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